RT @VPrasadMDMPH: If someone cites this paper as proof masks work, the only thing they've proven is that their brain doesn't. https://t.co…
RT @VPrasadMDMPH: If someone cites this paper as proof masks work, the only thing they've proven is that their brain doesn't. https://t.co…
If someone cites this paper as proof masks work, the only thing they've proven is that their brain doesn't. https://t.co/Q0Nyo8WBkU
RT @Doctor_Eric_B: First thing to note is that study was not done by the CDC. But the one listed below was, and demonstrated that the corre…
RT @Doctor_Eric_B: First thing to note is that study was not done by the CDC. But the one listed below was, and demonstrated that the corre…
RT @Doctor_Eric_B: First thing to note is that study was not done by the CDC. But the one listed below was, and demonstrated that the corre…
RT @Doctor_Eric_B: First thing to note is that study was not done by the CDC. But the one listed below was, and demonstrated that the corre…
RT @Doctor_Eric_B: First thing to note is that study was not done by the CDC. But the one listed below was, and demonstrated that the corre…
RT @subsix848: Internal medicine MD citing the CDC *hairdresser* study as evidence for cloth(!) mask effectiveness. In 2023. What are we…
RT @Neoavatara: Have you read the study? Doesn't appear you have.
RT @Doctor_Eric_B: First thing to note is that study was not done by the CDC. But the one listed below was, and demonstrated that the corre…
RT @Doctor_Eric_B: First thing to note is that study was not done by the CDC. But the one listed below was, and demonstrated that the corre…
Have you read the study? Doesn't appear you have.
RT @Doctor_Eric_B: First thing to note is that study was not done by the CDC. But the one listed below was, and demonstrated that the corre…
RT @DACDAC4DAC: If your doctor believes that CDC's hairdresser study is good research, find another doctor. STAT!
RT @Doctor_Eric_B: First thing to note is that study was not done by the CDC. But the one listed below was, and demonstrated that the corre…
RT @Doctor_Eric_B: First thing to note is that study was not done by the CDC. But the one listed below was, and demonstrated that the corre…
RT @Doctor_Eric_B: First thing to note is that study was not done by the CDC. But the one listed below was, and demonstrated that the corre…
RT @Doctor_Eric_B: First thing to note is that study was not done by the CDC. But the one listed below was, and demonstrated that the corre…
This is embarrassing.
Anyone sharing this study should probably be ignored. If they complain about pseudoscience and anti-maskers but then cite studies that lack basic rigor, then they cannot see themselves in the mirror.
RT @subsix848: Internal medicine MD citing the CDC *hairdresser* study as evidence for cloth(!) mask effectiveness. In 2023. What are we…
RT @subsix848: Internal medicine MD citing the CDC *hairdresser* study as evidence for cloth(!) mask effectiveness. In 2023. What are we…
RT @Doctor_Eric_B: First thing to note is that study was not done by the CDC. But the one listed below was, and demonstrated that the corre…
RT @Doctor_Eric_B: First thing to note is that study was not done by the CDC. But the one listed below was, and demonstrated that the corre…
@drvictoriafox Oh my God the first citation he makes is the CDC hairdresser “study” 😂😂
If your doctor believes that CDC's hairdresser study is good research, find another doctor. STAT!
RT @Doctor_Eric_B: First thing to note is that study was not done by the CDC. But the one listed below was, and demonstrated that the corre…
Internal medicine MD citing the CDC *hairdresser* study as evidence for cloth(!) mask effectiveness. In 2023. What are we doing here?
RT @Doctor_Eric_B: First thing to note is that study was not done by the CDC. But the one listed below was, and demonstrated that the corre…
RT @Doctor_Eric_B: First thing to note is that study was not done by the CDC. But the one listed below was, and demonstrated that the corre…
RT @Doctor_Eric_B: First thing to note is that study was not done by the CDC. But the one listed below was, and demonstrated that the corre…
RT @Doctor_Eric_B: First thing to note is that study was not done by the CDC. But the one listed below was, and demonstrated that the corre…
RT @Doctor_Eric_B: First thing to note is that study was not done by the CDC. But the one listed below was, and demonstrated that the corre…
RT @Doctor_Eric_B: First thing to note is that study was not done by the CDC. But the one listed below was, and demonstrated that the corre…
RT @Doctor_Eric_B: First thing to note is that study was not done by the CDC. But the one listed below was, and demonstrated that the corre…
Dla odmiany, to badanie wykonano przez i dla CDC. No to poczytajmy: https://t.co/x0J0PwA85T
Neener Neener
RT @Doctor_Eric_B: First thing to note is that study was not done by the CDC. But the one listed below was, and demonstrated that the corre…
RT @Doctor_Eric_B: First thing to note is that study was not done by the CDC. But the one listed below was, and demonstrated that the corre…
RT @Doctor_Eric_B: First thing to note is that study was not done by the CDC. But the one listed below was, and demonstrated that the corre…
RT @Doctor_Eric_B: First thing to note is that study was not done by the CDC. But the one listed below was, and demonstrated that the corre…
RT @Doctor_Eric_B: First thing to note is that study was not done by the CDC. But the one listed below was, and demonstrated that the corre…
First thing to note is that study was not done by the CDC. But the one listed below was, and demonstrated that the correct use of face masks actually reduced the risk of contracting C19 https://t.co/IZtEP328N3
RT @sxbegle: 2 hair stylists, in #Springfield, #Missouri, both + for #COVID19 & working while symptomatic (before they got results). 139 cl…
Sharon, is there a follow-up to this story?
@leilanasrala @ing_Steelman87 https://t.co/gCuKJJmT0m Este es el primero que vi tan temprano como junio de 2020. En el que en el campo comprobaron la efectividad en entornos reales dentro de un salones de belleza de 120 estilistas solo 12 se contagiaron y
@subsix848 Also, if you get your haircut in Springfield, MO, masks are 100% effective. https://t.co/YccEMDlPfb
@johnMaddox74 @DineshDSouza Not interested in correcting your grammar, just your public lies here.
RT @Bhavik0880: @zeynep Good thing the CDC doesn't do that https://t.co/aZZ0m6rseJ
@zeynep Good thing the CDC doesn't do that https://t.co/aZZ0m6rseJ
RT @TheNickFoy: Wildly exaggerating the benefits of masking was an enormous mistake.
Shocked to see this crap masquerading as science, and coming from the TWIV guy no less.
@RobertFCalvano @BadOpinions5 @ZubyMusic The CDC said it, and had facts to prove it. source: https://t.co/Q7TMFUdI05 https://t.co/haD4eRrQGo
@RonnyJacksonTX Rep. Jackson, someone has hacked into your account and is posting inflammatory nonsense under your name. Sorry this happened to you, but please fix it soon. source for graphic below: https://t.co/Q7TMFUdI05 https://t.co/femhvtrYiR
@griptmedia Did he send you this one with the hairdressers from the CDC. Laughable. https://t.co/nNgaRqFb4C
@danmmeyer @BetSnyder @SonnyCrizzle @RaheemKassam @govkristinoem lol this dude was still crying about masks in October 2020 https://t.co/0xYHVq5JJg
@gregggonsalves Cloth masks are no longer recommended, the general consensus is they do nothing. It makes you wonder what exactly the CDC was measuring, with those 2020 cloth mask studies. https://t.co/xw3tBoU7As
@KGLiebowitz FWIW, my views on the efficacy of universal masking solidified in May 2020 when my former hometown had two symptomatic hair stylists who serviced 139 clients before discovering they had COVID. Stylists and clients were all masked. Not one tran
@rubin_allergy @benryanwriter FYI Ben, speaking of censorship the blue checked doctor blocked me for tweeting this. Talk about deleting one side of the debate. The hairdresser study is really bad: https://t.co/OSlJfGhD8R
@ianmSC @JeromeAdamsMD How could I have been so careless to have forgotten the CDC's hair stylist masking study! It's even better with the hair dryer graphics and footnote about wearing cloth face covering correctly to slow the spread. My search for the f
@FreckledLiberty @76stargazer @beewaa1 @deborahlurie Their empty headed followers could have seen through them by *following the science* rather than following the bureaucracy. Their "hairdresser mask study," for instance, was about as scientific as saying
@TheLeadCNN @drsanjaygupta They are not going far enough. They should be moving all education to occur inside hairdresser studios. It's been proven that masks are 100% effective there. https://t.co/YccEMDmn4J
@kylenabecker But CDC’s masking policies are based on observational data from 2 barbers. REALLY! https://t.co/lqqbu7xFO6
@KrauthBen @apsmunro Humbly venture this as the most ridiculous pro masking study. https://t.co/CF05JuGJ0b
@Reroot_Flyover @TheDrJon @snorman1776 @greg_travis @EmeraldCityMD @TheEliKlein It’s their favorite study: https://t.co/OSlJfGhD8R
@GeoFreC @JamesMelville https://t.co/0GBYxr8eaF This seems like the best data until you see that 52% of clients rejected testing. What amazing, high-quality data.
@larsweisbrod https://t.co/zjrTaNmpnZ Immernoch Zweifel? Diese Studie ist in der von Herrn Lauterbach verlinkten "Mega-Studie" inkludiert. Bestens geeignet, querschwurbelnde Wissenschaftsleugner in die Schranken zu weisen.
Parmi les 13 études, 3 exemples avec : - les liens ci-dessous ; - les commentaires d'Eugyppius dans les PJ qui montrent que les conclusions n'ont ni queue ni tête. https://t.co/so8aObGO3b https://t.co/1i5PHAlS63 https://t.co/ZB5IRwFgbW 4/5 https://t.c
כמו עם החיסונים - כשהמסקנות רצויות אין בעיה ללמוד מאנקדוטות ("מסכות עוזרות! עובדה: מעצבת שיער עם מסכה לא הדביקה לקוחות". "מחקר" אמיתי שה CDC הסתמך עליו. וכמובן ה'עמך' "התחסנתי / שמתי מסיכה ולא נדבקתי, עובדה") >> https://t.co/Q5LThOIAo6
@TruncatedJest @rTIKId @STOPmaskingKIDS @Saikmedi Anecdata, not a real study. The 2 stylists were mildly ill, mainly wore cloth masks. One worked through symptoms for 8 days before testing positive, the other 5 days. 72/139 clients refused PCR testing when
@TrollAdopt @nanakaren11 @DFisman @JoltinJoe1970 You really need me to explain what is wrong with a study like this? https://t.co/2u47uVONZb
@Andy56351281 @JoltinJoe1970 @DrKateTO @DFisman @UofT There's also this #gem, mon #amour... https://t.co/2x3DNSlumd
@faithalone741 @claymarsh A Simple Experiement https://t.co/5DiKwGuou1 https://t.co/cdLfgF7UW8 Case Study The same is business insider https://t.co/epVdSOHP50
@RepLisaReynolds I actually would have preferred if you cited the hairdresser anecdote instead your own personal anecdote. https://t.co/6ho2Bsk4WW
@ledtear NO JOKE, This was one of the first papers widely referenced/circulated to “show masks work” 💇♀️ ✂️ 🤡 🌎 🤪🤣 https://t.co/H2aolF6UQd
@HealthAnthony @Mc70599 @leoniedelt @ConcernedScien7 @HelenRSalisbury @ianmSC I'm not sure I even need to comment on it. You'll just say it's good enough evidence for you to support a mask mandate either way. https://t.co/XtwU4WQQtL
Apparent absence of covid transmission at hair salon with face covering policy https://t.co/KvKGYE9od4 #Apparent #CovidTransmission #HairSalon
@GGDMM @PBalabam [16] https://t.co/Z3Iupyc67C In cui c'è semplicemente un "aneddoto" in cui due parrucchieri positivi al covid usavano la mask e non hanno infettato i clienti. Non dimostra niente, a livello statistico. 3/
@FormerDemocrat_ @gov_fails Well, to be fully transparent, there is a cdc mmwr that this was front and center - which is what really got the ball rolling on the mask thing. https://t.co/cNdWsddQUc
@JeromeAdamsMD @adarkgodarises When the CDC presents this as a study it is depending on for policy decisions, "Houston, we have a problem"! But they add it for volume because it "showed" what they want it to show. Absence of Apparent Transmission of SARS-
RT @dawso007: No access but the answer is clearly yes - based on the number of HCPs who did not get COVID surrounded by the unmasked and th…
No access but the answer is clearly yes - based on the number of HCPs who did not get COVID surrounded by the unmasked and the lack of transmission from 2 symptomatic masked hair stylists to 139 clients: https://t.co/zqY62ICXN4
Absence of Apparent Transmission of SARS-CoV-2 from Two Stylists... https://t.co/WDHylBCXVK via @CDCgov
@Borisdeescorpio @decimononnica Shhh burro, lea. https://t.co/R49uyMPL8V
@MarceloAndresGu @decimononnica Shhh tema cerrado https://t.co/R49uyMPL8V
@covizombie @decimononnica ¿Qué?🤣 Tomate la pastilla que se nota que no te anda muy bien el balero, ignorante. ¿Además insultás atrás de una pantalla, gil blandito? https://t.co/R49uyMPL8V