RT @Doctor_Eric_B: First thing to note is that study was not done by the CDC. But the one listed below was, and demonstrated that the corre…
RT @VPrasadMDMPH: If someone cites this paper as proof masks work, the only thing they've proven is that their brain doesn't. https://t.co…
RT @VPrasadMDMPH: If someone cites this paper as proof masks work, the only thing they've proven is that their brain doesn't. https://t.co…
RT @VPrasadMDMPH: If someone cites this paper as proof masks work, the only thing they've proven is that their brain doesn't. https://t.co…
RT @VPrasadMDMPH: If someone cites this paper as proof masks work, the only thing they've proven is that their brain doesn't. https://t.co…
RT @VPrasadMDMPH: If someone cites this paper as proof masks work, the only thing they've proven is that their brain doesn't. https://t.co…
RT @DACDAC4DAC: If your doctor believes that CDC's hairdresser study is good research, find another doctor. STAT!
RT @VPrasadMDMPH: If someone cites this paper as proof masks work, the only thing they've proven is that their brain doesn't. https://t.co…
RT @VPrasadMDMPH: If someone cites this paper as proof masks work, the only thing they've proven is that their brain doesn't. https://t.co…
RT @VPrasadMDMPH: If someone cites this paper as proof masks work, the only thing they've proven is that their brain doesn't. https://t.co…
RT @subsix848: Internal medicine MD citing the CDC *hairdresser* study as evidence for cloth(!) mask effectiveness. In 2023. What are we…
RT @VPrasadMDMPH: If someone cites this paper as proof masks work, the only thing they've proven is that their brain doesn't. https://t.co…
RT @kevinnbass: I cannot believe a scientific agency releases this kind of nonsense. The CDC needs to be dismantled.
RT @VPrasadMDMPH: If someone cites this paper as proof masks work, the only thing they've proven is that their brain doesn't. https://t.co…
RT @DACDAC4DAC: If your doctor believes that CDC's hairdresser study is good research, find another doctor. STAT!
RT @m_cortizas: Cita un paper de julio 2020 ¿?, de uso de mascarillas higiénicas o quirúrgicas de dos peluqueras que no contagiaron a sus c…
RT @VPrasadMDMPH: If someone cites this paper as proof masks work, the only thing they've proven is that their brain doesn't. https://t.co…
RT @kevinnbass: I cannot believe a scientific agency releases this kind of nonsense. The CDC needs to be dismantled.
RT @VPrasadMDMPH: If someone cites this paper as proof masks work, the only thing they've proven is that their brain doesn't. https://t.co…
RT @kevinnbass: I cannot believe a scientific agency releases this kind of nonsense. The CDC needs to be dismantled.
RT @VPrasadMDMPH: If someone cites this paper as proof masks work, the only thing they've proven is that their brain doesn't. https://t.co…
RT @VPrasadMDMPH: If someone cites this paper as proof masks work, the only thing they've proven is that their brain doesn't. https://t.co…
Cita un paper de julio 2020 ¿?, de uso de mascarillas higiénicas o quirúrgicas de dos peluqueras que no contagiaron a sus clientes. Y dice que el que utilice este paper para justificar que funcionan no le funciona su cerebro ¿? ¿Quién está obsesionado con
RT @VPrasadMDMPH: If someone cites this paper as proof masks work, the only thing they've proven is that their brain doesn't. https://t.co…
RT @VPrasadMDMPH: If someone cites this paper as proof masks work, the only thing they've proven is that their brain doesn't. https://t.co…
RT @VPrasadMDMPH: If someone cites this paper as proof masks work, the only thing they've proven is that their brain doesn't. https://t.co…
RT @VPrasadMDMPH: If someone cites this paper as proof masks work, the only thing they've proven is that their brain doesn't. https://t.co…
RT @VPrasadMDMPH: If someone cites this paper as proof masks work, the only thing they've proven is that their brain doesn't. https://t.co…
RT @VPrasadMDMPH: If someone cites this paper as proof masks work, the only thing they've proven is that their brain doesn't. https://t.co…
RT @VPrasadMDMPH: If someone cites this paper as proof masks work, the only thing they've proven is that their brain doesn't. https://t.co…
RT @VPrasadMDMPH: If someone cites this paper as proof masks work, the only thing they've proven is that their brain doesn't. https://t.co…
RT @VPrasadMDMPH: If someone cites this paper as proof masks work, the only thing they've proven is that their brain doesn't. https://t.co…
RT @VPrasadMDMPH: If someone cites this paper as proof masks work, the only thing they've proven is that their brain doesn't. https://t.co…
RT @VPrasadMDMPH: If someone cites this paper as proof masks work, the only thing they've proven is that their brain doesn't. https://t.co…
RT @VPrasadMDMPH: If someone cites this paper as proof masks work, the only thing they've proven is that their brain doesn't. https://t.co…
RT @VPrasadMDMPH: If someone cites this paper as proof masks work, the only thing they've proven is that their brain doesn't. https://t.co…
RT @VPrasadMDMPH: If someone cites this paper as proof masks work, the only thing they've proven is that their brain doesn't. https://t.co…
RT @VPrasadMDMPH: If someone cites this paper as proof masks work, the only thing they've proven is that their brain doesn't. https://t.co…
RT @kevinnbass: I cannot believe a scientific agency releases this kind of nonsense. The CDC needs to be dismantled.
RT @subsix848: Internal medicine MD citing the CDC *hairdresser* study as evidence for cloth(!) mask effectiveness. In 2023. What are we…
RT @kevinnbass: I cannot believe a scientific agency releases this kind of nonsense. The CDC needs to be dismantled.
RT @VPrasadMDMPH: If someone cites this paper as proof masks work, the only thing they've proven is that their brain doesn't. https://t.co…
RT @VPrasadMDMPH: If someone cites this paper as proof masks work, the only thing they've proven is that their brain doesn't. https://t.co…
RT @VPrasadMDMPH: If someone cites this paper as proof masks work, the only thing they've proven is that their brain doesn't. https://t.co…
RT @VPrasadMDMPH: If someone cites this paper as proof masks work, the only thing they've proven is that their brain doesn't. https://t.co…
RT @VPrasadMDMPH: If someone cites this paper as proof masks work, the only thing they've proven is that their brain doesn't. https://t.co…
RT @VPrasadMDMPH: If someone cites this paper as proof masks work, the only thing they've proven is that their brain doesn't. https://t.co…
RT @kevinnbass: I cannot believe a scientific agency releases this kind of nonsense. The CDC needs to be dismantled.
RT @VPrasadMDMPH: If someone cites this paper as proof masks work, the only thing they've proven is that their brain doesn't. https://t.co…
RT @VPrasadMDMPH: If someone cites this paper as proof masks work, the only thing they've proven is that their brain doesn't. https://t.co…
RT @VPrasadMDMPH: If someone cites this paper as proof masks work, the only thing they've proven is that their brain doesn't. https://t.co…
RT @kevinnbass: I cannot believe a scientific agency releases this kind of nonsense. The CDC needs to be dismantled.
RT @VPrasadMDMPH: If someone cites this paper as proof masks work, the only thing they've proven is that their brain doesn't. https://t.co…
RT @subsix848: Internal medicine MD citing the CDC *hairdresser* study as evidence for cloth(!) mask effectiveness. In 2023. What are we…
RT @VPrasadMDMPH: If someone cites this paper as proof masks work, the only thing they've proven is that their brain doesn't. https://t.co…
RT @VPrasadMDMPH: If someone cites this paper as proof masks work, the only thing they've proven is that their brain doesn't. https://t.co…
RT @VPrasadMDMPH: If someone cites this paper as proof masks work, the only thing they've proven is that their brain doesn't. https://t.co…
RT @VPrasadMDMPH: If someone cites this paper as proof masks work, the only thing they've proven is that their brain doesn't. https://t.co…
I’m so sick of the purposeful (lying) misinformation coming from all the places. Wake up. And then get rid of them all. #WorstPresidentEver
RT @kevinnbass: I cannot believe a scientific agency releases this kind of nonsense. The CDC needs to be dismantled.
RT @VPrasadMDMPH: If someone cites this paper as proof masks work, the only thing they've proven is that their brain doesn't. https://t.co…
RT @kevinnbass: I cannot believe a scientific agency releases this kind of nonsense. The CDC needs to be dismantled.
This was the study scarf lady Birx used to justify all of us wearing face diapers…😷😷😷😷
RT @kevinnbass: I cannot believe a scientific agency releases this kind of nonsense. The CDC needs to be dismantled.
RT @kevinnbass: I cannot believe a scientific agency releases this kind of nonsense. The CDC needs to be dismantled.
RT @kevinnbass: I cannot believe a scientific agency releases this kind of nonsense. The CDC needs to be dismantled.
RT @VPrasadMDMPH: If someone cites this paper as proof masks work, the only thing they've proven is that their brain doesn't. https://t.co…
RT @VPrasadMDMPH: If someone cites this paper as proof masks work, the only thing they've proven is that their brain doesn't. https://t.co…
RT @VPrasadMDMPH: If someone cites this paper as proof masks work, the only thing they've proven is that their brain doesn't. https://t.co…
RT @kevinnbass: I cannot believe a scientific agency releases this kind of nonsense. The CDC needs to be dismantled.
RT @VPrasadMDMPH: If someone cites this paper as proof masks work, the only thing they've proven is that their brain doesn't. https://t.co…
RT @VPrasadMDMPH: If someone cites this paper as proof masks work, the only thing they've proven is that their brain doesn't. https://t.co…
RT @VPrasadMDMPH: If someone cites this paper as proof masks work, the only thing they've proven is that their brain doesn't. https://t.co…
This study was conducted using 2 stylists who were both masked. Where is the control group. If one was masked and the other was not, then we can make assumptions about the outcomes. But if both were masked and neither contracted Covid that doesn’t neces
RT @VPrasadMDMPH: If someone cites this paper as proof masks work, the only thing they've proven is that their brain doesn't. https://t.co…
RT @kevinnbass: I cannot believe a scientific agency releases this kind of nonsense. The CDC needs to be dismantled.
I cannot believe a scientific agency releases this kind of nonsense. The CDC needs to be dismantled.
RT @VPrasadMDMPH: If someone cites this paper as proof masks work, the only thing they've proven is that their brain doesn't. https://t.co…
RT @VPrasadMDMPH: If someone cites this paper as proof masks work, the only thing they've proven is that their brain doesn't. https://t.co…
RT @VPrasadMDMPH: If someone cites this paper as proof masks work, the only thing they've proven is that their brain doesn't. https://t.co…
RT @VPrasadMDMPH: If someone cites this paper as proof masks work, the only thing they've proven is that their brain doesn't. https://t.co…
RT @VPrasadMDMPH: If someone cites this paper as proof masks work, the only thing they've proven is that their brain doesn't. https://t.co…
RT @VPrasadMDMPH: If someone cites this paper as proof masks work, the only thing they've proven is that their brain doesn't. https://t.co…
RT @VPrasadMDMPH: If someone cites this paper as proof masks work, the only thing they've proven is that their brain doesn't. https://t.co…
RT @VPrasadMDMPH: If someone cites this paper as proof masks work, the only thing they've proven is that their brain doesn't. https://t.co…
RT @VPrasadMDMPH: If someone cites this paper as proof masks work, the only thing they've proven is that their brain doesn't. https://t.co…
RT @VPrasadMDMPH: If someone cites this paper as proof masks work, the only thing they've proven is that their brain doesn't. https://t.co…
RT @Doctor_Eric_B: First thing to note is that study was not done by the CDC. But the one listed below was, and demonstrated that the corre…
RT @VPrasadMDMPH: If someone cites this paper as proof masks work, the only thing they've proven is that their brain doesn't. https://t.co…
RT @VPrasadMDMPH: If someone cites this paper as proof masks work, the only thing they've proven is that their brain doesn't. https://t.co…
RT @VPrasadMDMPH: If someone cites this paper as proof masks work, the only thing they've proven is that their brain doesn't. https://t.co…
RT @VPrasadMDMPH: If someone cites this paper as proof masks work, the only thing they've proven is that their brain doesn't. https://t.co…
RT @VPrasadMDMPH: If someone cites this paper as proof masks work, the only thing they've proven is that their brain doesn't. https://t.co…
RT @VPrasadMDMPH: If someone cites this paper as proof masks work, the only thing they've proven is that their brain doesn't. https://t.co…
RT @VPrasadMDMPH: If someone cites this paper as proof masks work, the only thing they've proven is that their brain doesn't. https://t.co…
RT @VPrasadMDMPH: If someone cites this paper as proof masks work, the only thing they've proven is that their brain doesn't. https://t.co…
RT @VPrasadMDMPH: If someone cites this paper as proof masks work, the only thing they've proven is that their brain doesn't. https://t.co…
RT @VPrasadMDMPH: If someone cites this paper as proof masks work, the only thing they've proven is that their brain doesn't. https://t.co…